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About me

Explore WhatDrivesKim.com, where a millennial mom car enthusiast shares car reviews and expert car buying advice. Your automotive journey starts here!

Hello there! I’m Kim, and I’m thrilled that you’ve dropped by to learn more about the woman behind the wheel at What Drives Kim. I’m a proud Black millennial married mom, inching closer to 40, and my journey has taken me from the bustling streets of Brooklyn, NY to the tranquil suburbs, where I now call home.

My passion for cars runs deep, and it’s a love affair that began in my childhood, thanks to my father. He was a proud owner of several muscle cars, and his soft-top Chevelle was my personal favorite. Those early memories of revving engines and the thrill of the open road left an indelible mark on my heart.

But, as life would have it, I’ve also embraced another incredible role as a mom. I proudly own and manage BeautyandthebumpNYC.com, a mom lifestyle blog where I share the ups and downs of family life, travel adventures, culinary delights, and, of course, my deep-rooted love for cars.

Now, you might wonder why I decided to start What Drives Kim. Well, as much as I cherish my role as a mom and all the beautiful aspects of motherhood, I needed a separate space to allow my automotive passion to shine. I firmly believe that being a mom should never define your choice in cars. Your vehicle is your daily companion, and it should be both practical and a reflection of your personality.

My mission is clear: I’m here to inspire and empower moms like me to embrace their love for cars and to drive vehicles that not only meet their practical needs but also bring joy to their daily journeys. I’m dedicated to showing that moms can have fun behind the wheel too.

In my writing, you’ll find a unique perspective influenced by my status as a millennial mom. I treasure road trips, whether they’re with my family, as a couple with my husband, or those precious solo drives where I can find solace and a mental break. My focus naturally gravitates towards the practicality and convenience of vehicles for moms and their families, whether it’s for our travel adventures or simply enjoying a night out on the town.

One of my signature styles is creating comprehensive round-up articles like “The Best Mid-Size SUVs” or “The Best Vehicles for Road Trips.” These pieces provide valuable insights and recommendations to help you make informed decisions when choosing your next family vehicle or adventure companion.

But, there’s more to me than just my love for cars. When I’m not blogging, I’m fully immersed in the managed healthcare industry, working on performance improvement initiatives. Family is at the heart of everything I do, and spending quality time with them is my top priority. In fact, I’ve earned my Certified Professionals in Healthcare Quality Certification, showcasing my commitment to excellence in all that I pursue.

So, whether you’re a millennial mom, a career-driven woman, or simply a car enthusiast, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Let’s break stereotypes, explore the world of cars, and make every drive an unforgettable experience. Together, we’ll prove that being a mom doesn’t limit your choices – it enriches them. Welcome to What Drives Kim!

Opportunities to Partner with What Drives Kim:

While What Drives Kim may be a fresh face in the blogging arena, my journey in collaboration with renowned automotive brands spans from Toyota to Acura and Lincoln. Are you interested in becoming part of this exciting journey? Discover how we can kickstart our partnership by visiting my “Work with Me” page.

And if you’re itching to get a sneak peek at how our collaboration could unfold, take a moment to delve into my three most recent car review posts below:

NOTE:This blog does not accept any pre-written, branded content, sponsored posts, or articles for payment. Nor do I accept “guest blog posts” that are being written on behalf of a brand.

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